Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine is an internal form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has evolved for thousands of years and is a vital part of treatment, that can be used by itself or in support of acupuncture and other TCM therapies. Chinese Herbal Medicine is derived from organic substances such as plants, minerals and some animal products. Many of the pharmaceuticals prescribed today are derived from these same materials, using an isolated compound that provides a specific therapeutic effect. While herbal medicine does not fall into the same category as pharmaceuticals, and are usually considered safe for use with limited side effects, the FDA still classifies the herbs as a dietary supplement and are regulated under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA).
Many herbal formulas have been created throughout the centuries and have used empirical evidence to validate their efficacy. Current research is still being conducted to further evaluate and evolve the application of herbal medicine.
Most formulas prescribed to patients come as a base formula and can be further customized to fit the individual conditions and needs of the patient. There are many ways to take herbal medicine that include: water-based decoctions, concentrated granular extracts, tinctures, capsules, tablets or tea pills, and external poultices and liniments.
As long as the patient is under the care of a licensed practitioner, herbal medicines rarely have any side effects and has been proven safe when used correctly.
Patient have the option to choose their herbal formula in the following forms:

Raw herbs are the traditional way to consume herbs. Patient prepare the raw herbs by boiling them and consume the strained liquid, which is known as a decoction.

Herbal capsules are herbal formulas in a pill form. The capsules are filled with herbal extract powder derived from precooked and dried herbal formulas.

Herbal granules are herbal extract in powder form. The granules are mixed with hot water to be consume as a tea.

Tinctures are liquid extract derived from herbs. Patients consume a dropper full of liquid sublingually which provides fast absorption.